Man brushing his black hair with a wooden comb.

Few things are as annoying as severe dandruff. The frustration of constantly dusting off your shoulders can to its lowest. What’s more, your scalp gets super itchy to the point where you can’t stop scratching your head. But the misery doesn’t stop there. For many, this persistent skin issue also contributes to hair shedding. Keep scrolling to know whether a flaky scalp is one of the causes of hair loss in men and how you can prevent these two conditions from worsening.

The Link Between Severe Dandruff and Hair Loss

Let’s get straight to the point: Dandruff doesn’t directly cause hair loss but it’s entirely possible to grapple with both conditions at the same time. Plus, they can aggravate each other.

The root of this connection lies in an overgrowth of a yeast-like fungus called Malassezia. It accelerates the shedding of skin cells on your scalp, resulting in those scaly, white flakes. Interestingly, this same microorganism plays a role in premature hair loss. Research published in the has shown that Malassezia can trigger inflammation that disrupts the natural hair growth cycle, causing more strands to enter their resting phase and

For those who are currently dealing with , it’s also worth noting that many hair growth treatments like minoxidil and finasteride may inadvertently worsen dandruff. These solutions often contain alcohol, which can dry and irritate the scalp. In fact, a 2015 study highlights as one of the side effects of minoxidil use.

Now, when that inevitable itchiness sets in, either from severe dandruff or hair treatments, your first instinct would be to scratch aggressively. However, this can increase your risk of balding. The friction from your nails can weaken hair follicles, and over time, they might not be able to grow new hair again.

Can You Treat Severe Dandruff and Hair Loss Together?

Absolutely. You can prevent further hair loss while managing your dandruff problem. All it takes is a few lifestyle adjustments.

Make the switch to anti-dandruff shampoos.

The quickest way to alleviate scalp flaking is by washing your hair with a medicated shampoo. Unlike other shampoos, those labeled as “anti-dandruff” contain active ingredients like zinc and selenium, specifically designed to combat Malassezia. When used as directed, they effectively and, in turn, reduce its potential impact on hair loss.

Make sure to pick an anti-dandruff shampoo that matches your hair needs. If you have an , use CLEAR Cool Sport Menthol Anti-Dandruff Shampoo for Men. This shampoo, formulated with Triple Anti-Dandruff technology and taurine, removes flakes and buildup from your scalp. Also, it’s infused with menthol, providing a cooling sensation that helps relieve itchiness.

Alternatively, you can also try Dove Men+Care Anti-Dandruff Shampoo to get the best of both worlds. It harnesses the power of zinc AD to inhibit Malassezia growth and caffeine to support hair nourishment.

Air-dry your hair.

If you have long hair, hands off the blow dryer. Hot air can suck moisture out of your scalp, and itchiness. Just let your hair be and allow it to dry naturally. However, avoid excessive rubbing as wet strands are more prone to breakage.

Consider using a wide-toothed comb to brush your hair. It gently detangles your strands and distributes sebum from your scalp down to the lengths of your hair. Most importantly, resist the temptation to scrape away flakes with the comb.

Scale back on sweets.

You might want to skip desserts for a while. Multiple studies have revealed that those with a have higher risks of and due to a spike in insulin. As a result, the sebaceous glands on your scalp will respond by producing more oil for Malassezia to feast on.

You don’t have to eliminate sugary food and drinks from your life. Instead, include a variety of nutrient-dense food, emphasizing fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and whole grains. Besides, a well-balanced diet can help you . Win-win!

Severe dandruff alone may not directly lead to hair loss. But do you know what can cause both these problems? Stress. Relax, follow a proper hair care routine for men, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. If persistent scalp and hair issues continue to bug you, hit up a dermatologist for a diagnosis and a personalized treatment plan.