Woman applying body lotion after showering.

Perfect complexion doesn’t really exist. Some people deal with persistent and excessive sebum on the rest of the body. If you’re part of this group, the good ol’ soap and water will help balance the scale, but adding reinforcements won’t hurt. Scroll down and learn how to treat your body with a meticulous skincare routine for oily skin. Spoiler alert: it’s fewer than 10 steps (yay!)

Build a Cleansing Ritual

Just like the face, the basic skincare routine for oily skin on the body begins with a wash. A thorough, head-to-toe cleanse – not a five-minute rinse kind.

Wipe down every nook and cranny with your hands. Do it as if it’s the last shower you’ll ever have. So, pay attention to sweaty areas (groin, armpits, and feet), and commonly overlooked spots like the back of the knees, the elbows, and behind the ears. Don't forget to cleanse your back and buttocks to prevent .

One detail you might want to consider is choosing a cleanser for your skin type. Dove Go Fresh Cucumber & Green Tea Body Wash is a safe bet for all skin types, thanks to its Microbiome Gentle Skin Prebiotics formula that helps fortify the skin’s protective layer and maintain adequate moisture levels. It also contains cucumber and green tea extracts – two well-known natural ingredients for oily skin.

If your oily skin is easily irritated, use a fragrance-free, hypoallergenic cleanser like Dove Beauty Bar Sensitive. It’s infused with the classic Dove’s ¼ moisturizing cream, leaving your skin feeling soft and smooth after every wash.

Exfoliate (But Not Every Day)

Sebum can mix with and , resulting in acne (more on this later). Preventing this is the whole point of exfoliation. But too much of anything is bad.

Over-exfoliating disrupts the skin’s barrier and triggers inflammation. Limit your exfoliation sessions to two times a week and look for products formulated with gentle yet effective ingredients, such as lactic and . If you enjoy a little pick-me-up massage in the shower, indulge in . This practice removes dead skin and promotes .

Moisturize When Your Skin Is Still Wet

A good skincare routine for oily skin won’t be complete without moisturizing. Contrary to popular belief, this step helps keep sebum production in check as long as you opt for water-based, non-comedogenic formulas.

Now, here’s the game-changing tip: apply your body lotion right after showering. When the skin is damp, its permeability increases. Active ingredients in your moisturizer are able to penetrate deeper into the skin.

Spot Treat If You Have Body Acne

Take things up a notch by incorporating serum and spot treatments into your body care regimen. The duo does the heavy lifting when it comes to fighting persistent breakouts you often find around and .

For those who spend lots of time outdoors, antioxidants such as and are must-haves. They combat free radicals, which can aggravate acne. If you’re wondering, “Is good for oily skin?” the answer is a whopping yes. This potent vitamin A derivative accelerates cell turnover, effectively unclogging pores and shrinking pimples.

Washing your body with Lifebuoy Antibacterial Bodywash Total 10 can help, too. Made with Activ Silver+, it removes excessive oils and fights germs sticking on your skin. Plus, it helps protect you from disease-causing bacteria.

Don’t Skip SPF

Think of as the big finisher in your skincare routine for oily skin. You should apply it daily – no ifs and buts. Even on cloudy days when you’re indoors, can enter through windows and dehydrate your skin. As a result, the sebaceous glands overcompensate by jacking up the oil production.

Sunscreen for oily skin should be oil-free and lightweight in texture. You might also want soothing ingredients like or to help calm redness. And, of course, broad-spectrum protection against UVA and UVB is non-negotiable.

Creating a below-the-neck skincare routine for oily skin doesn’t need to be complicated. In fact, this streamlined regimen can be the key to unlocking the balanced, radiant complexion of your dreams.